The Plus is Diverse Campaign Stands For Colour​ Diversity & More, Within The Plus Size Industry. Racial representation among Plus size women matters too!
Plus Size Women Come From More Than One Ethnic Group.
It celebrates different racial/ethnic plus size women from different backgrounds with different stories, but can all still relate. Plus is Diverse was founded and created by plus model Olakemi!
Plus is Diverse Campaigns use Models that are all plus models who come from different racial/ethnic groups and nationalities. All with the same belief that there needs to be equality in racial representation of plus size models as well.
Women need to be able to relate to the model they are seeing.
It is not our differences that define us. It is our inability to recognise, accept and celebrate those differences! - Audre Lorde
The campaigns highlight and showcase that Plus Size Women beautifully exist in all races.
Throughout this campaign Olakemi has worked alongside international photographers, film directors, make up artists, clothing designers and many more who have helped put the vision together.
You can see the Plus Is Diverse mini docufilm and other campaign ads on the Plus is diverse YouTube platform as well as outside support from plus women around the world on the Plus is diverse Instagram platform.
"Purchase your Plus
Is Diverse T-shirt"