Model and Motivation MasterClass
Purposeful pursuit is a model and motivation master class for those females who want to push a career in modelling and females who just want to feel good about themselves and their outlook on life and what they are capable of!
The key thing is to move in your purpose! My favourite poem my Marianne Williamson really edifies this.. the lines that stick out the most to me are
“Our deepest fear is Not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”
Purposeful Pursuit Model and Motivation Master Class aims to guide you with your pursuit. As a plus size model I know what it's like to want to know where you should start and what you should do. The master class will teach plus size models, plus size girls/women and empower them.
Led by industry professionals you will be taught how to strut you stuff on a catwalk, make up lessons, posing for the camera and a confidence class.